Regulating the tourism sector in Burundi
A need to reform
In recent years, Burundi has undertaken major legal and institutional reforms for the consolidation of peace and the implementation of its Strategic Framework for the Fight against Poverty. Tourism has a transversal nature which makes it sensitive to actions taken by other economic and social sectors. Hence, the need for a parallel reform in tourism sector in Burundi.
Invest in Burundi: A glance at the new trend
Changing the investment perspective
Since the promulgation of the Investment Code of 2008(Law n°1/24 of September 10th, 2008 on the Investment Code) ,the investment environment in Burundi is increasingly governed by rules that are intended to encourage private initiatives by providing for measures to liberalize investment, to guarantee their legal certainty and incitement for investment....
One Stop Shop and incorporation of companies
Mabushi Chambers contributes to a workshop relating to the one stop shop for incorporation of companies, organized by the Burundi Investment Authority (API) and the Burundi Revenue Authority (OBR) with the support of IFC.
The workshop was organized by API with the support of the World Bank (IFC) at the Roca Golf Hotel. Various stakeholders and businessmen attended the workshop which was...